“We will have to choose between the supporters who will be able to access the stadium and those who will not be able”, regrets the president of the management board of the Stade Rochelais

After the announcement of the limitation of large gatherings to 5,000 people outside, 8,000 subscribers will have to stay “outside the stadium”, explains Pierre Venayre. The presidents of the Top 14 clubs are meeting this evening to “adopt the necessary measures”.

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“We will have to choose between the supporters who will be able to access the stadium and those who will not be able”, regrets Tuesday, December 28 on franceinfo Pierre Venayre, chairman of the board of the Stade Rochelais, a Top 14 rugby club, the day after the announcement by the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, of the limitation of large gatherings to 2,000 people indoors and , including in sports arenas.

“It is a measure that we feared and that we understand. What is complicated is that we will have to choose between the supporters who will be able to access the stadium and those who will not be able to. It is always a problem. Our first thoughts are with them. Out of 16,000 seats at the Marcel Deflandre stadium, we have 13 000 subscribers means that at least 8000 will stay outside the stadium. Top Presidents 14 get together tonight [ce mardi] to adopt the necessary measures “, added Pierre Venayre.

These new gauges, introduced from 3 January and for three weeks, will of course impact the cash flow of rugby clubs, which are more dependent on ticketing than football clubs, but also dependent “hospitality, these places that are sold with catering services”, explained the president of La Rochelle. “It is important that we continue to serve meals and catering seated in the stadium. We did it very well with the same restrictions, with the same health protocols, with the same caution in our stadiums. We hope that the government will allow us to do so during the restriction period. “

Regarding the introduction of the vaccine pass, which will replace the health pass, the president of the Rochelais club sees it in a good light. “It could be a way to preserve the continuity of the championship and it would reopen the stadiums and performance halls. If a player is not vaccinated, then he will no longer be able to play and train. If we want to get out of this situation, everyone has to be responsible. “

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