“We will have 50% of tickets at less than €50 with tickets at €24 in all sports”, announces Tony Estanguet

To buy a ticket, you must first register on the paris2024.org website from December 1, 2023. A draw will then be organised.

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“It’s unprecedented”assures Tony Estanguet, the president of the organizing committee of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.50% of tickets at less than 50 euros with tickets at 24 euros in all sports including athletics and swimming”. “On the Paralympic part, it is from 15 euros and 50% of tickets at less than 25 euro”, he adds.

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Ten million tickets will be on sale. To obtain the Grail, you will necessarily have to register on the paris2024.org site from December 1, 2023. But there will not be places for everyone, a draw will be organised. “It’s always the principle of lotteries, explains Tony Estanguet. There are more applicants than tickets available. Even if we have 13 million and 400,000 tickets, since it’s 10 million for the Olympic part and 3 million and 400,000 tickets for the Paralympic part”he explained.

Tony Estanguet invites the French to become a member of Club Paris 2024 to increase their chances of obtaining tickets: “We are going to draw lots in priority for the members of the club”. The president of the Organizing Committee assures that he has done what is necessary to fight against the trafficking of counterfeit banknotes: “This is the first time, there will be a single purchase platform. It will be digital for all tickets and the only platform where you can buy or resell your tickets will be on this platform. We have been working for a very long time now with experts on the subject so that this ticket office is really safe”, he assured.

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