“We will find the solutions with the unions”, to get out of this crisis, assures a Renaissance deputy

Faced with the crisis on the pension file, the Renaissance deputy for Hérault Patrick Vignal calls for a meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Laurent Berger.

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Patrick Vignal, Renaissance MP for Hérault guest of franceinfo (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

There is no break between Elisabeth Borne and Emmanuel Macron, assures Friday April 7 on franceinfo Patrick Vignal deputy Renaissance of Hérault, while the Prime Minister called for appeasement. “I am delighted that Madame Borne, who is a stateswoman, who is a hard worker and who received the unions, wants to put consensus“, he comments. She had called in the newspaper Le Monde to “respect a recovery period“, after the pension reform, seeming to mark his difference with the head of state.

It is her role as Prime Minister and it should be the role of all my parliamentary colleagues. We can clearly see that France is tired at the moment, we have inflation like we have never experienced. We need calm. We need to get out of this pension crisis and not by putting dust under the rug“, continues the deputy of Hérault.

“Let everyone cleave their armor”

According to Patrick Vignal, “we will find the solutions with the unions“, to get out of this crisis. The deputy of Hérault wishes “that Emmanuel Macron and Laurent Berger meet” For “that they settle their accounts“. To end this crisis “do you need mediation, negotiation?“, he wonders. “I listened to Elisabeth Borne, she is right to say that we need convalescence. We need to wait for what the Constitutional Council will say“, he advises.

>> “An isolated president”: the pension crisis, new illustration of the solitary exercise of power by Emmanuel Macron

We are lucky to have a Prime Minister who is on the ground. We need to deconstruct everyone’s positions, I want to say to Laurent Berger, ‘more than ever we need Unsa, the CFDT, they are reformist unions’. Let’s ask ourselves the question: why we didn’t take them on board and let everyone split their armor and we will find paths of convergence“, believes Patrick Vignal.

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