“We will be uncompromising vis-à-vis Emmanuel Macron”, warns RN spokesman Sébastien Chenu

“We will be uncompromising vis-à-vis Emmanuel Macron, we will not let anything happen to him”, warned Tuesday June 21 on franceinfo Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the National Rally and deputy for the North.

Since Tuesday morning, Emmanuel Macron has been consulting party leaders as the President of the Republic finds himself in a political stalemate two days after the second round of legislative elections. Far from obtaining an absolute majority to apply its program, it is therefore obliged to consult the opposition parties: “It’s a happy initiative”believes Sébastien Chenu.

>> Legislative: deprived of his absolute majority, Emmanuel Macron is looking for common ground with the other parties. Follow our live

But the deputy from the North wonders about the true intentions of the head of state: “Millions of French people do not agree with Emmanuel Macron’s policy. Is he aware of this, is he capable of changing policy, of renouncing certain reforms?”he asks himself.

Sébastien Chenu does not completely close the door to support from the National Rally for certain legislative texts: “The government will not find us to help it, to accompany it in a communication operation.”

“But any measure that will give the French back a euro, to give them back a euro in their pocket, we will support it.

Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the National Rally and deputy for the North

at franceinfo

Words that echo those of Éric Dupond-Moretti. The Keeper of the Seals mentioned on Monday the possibility of“to advance” with the National Rally. This outstretched hand sparked the anger of Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party, on franceinfo on Tuesday morning. He demanded the “master of clocks” Emmanuel Macron that he “set the record straight”.

The first test could well be the text on purchasing power: “We will make proposals to go further, such as lowering VAT to 5.5% on all energies”. The National Rally prefers “reduce VAT to 0% on 100 basic necessities” rather than a “cheque policy” who “does not give satisfactory results”. He denounces “a band-aid policy”referring to the government’s desire to create a “food voucher”.

Sébastien Chenu is waiting to see how the motion of censure will be drafted that La France insoumise could table on July 5 before the National Assembly. “We do not want to block the institutions. We want France to move forward. We want to speed up the difficulties of the French regarding purchasing power. We want to stop the political Islamization of our country”he explained.

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