“We will be afraid until the end”, confides a framework of Macronie, before the vote in the Assembly

Two days before the vote on the text, the Head of State and the Prime Minister are trying to take matters into their own hands to give themselves a chance to have it adopted in Parliament.

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Elisabeth Borne, March 7, 2023, in Paris.  (BERTRAND GUAY / AFP)

Extremely rare fact: the Head of State invited himself, extremely rare fact, at the beginning of the weekly coordination meeting of the executives of the presidential camp. “This reform is an absolute necessity for the financing of our pensions and the solidity of the country.“, he hammered, according to several participants, quoted by AFP. More than ever at the mercy of the voices of the right, Emmanuel Macron called for “responsibility“Oppositions three days before a suspense ballot in the National Assembly on its pension reform.

>> Pension reform: why Thursday’s vote in the National Assembly looks very uncertain

But the feverishness of the presidential camp is difficult to appease. “It feels like a PMU and I am not a turf specialist“, thus annoys a parliamentarian when he sees his colleagues exhausted to the point of dizziness by dint of making bets on the vote on the pension reform in Parliament.

“Bluff” and pressure strokes

The LR group in the Assembly claims to have secured 35 votes in favor. “Bluffing. They have lesss”, suspects a pillar of the majority, already ready in the event of failure, to accuse Eric Ciotti, still young president of the Republicans, of not having been able to hold up neither his troops nor his commitments.

This appearance in person of Emmanuel Macron, during the framing meeting, is a blow of pressure on his people, so that they hold on and continue to convince the undecided one by one. Even if it is an energy sometimes spent in pure waste. “I told him not to waste his time“, confides a right-wing MP, approached by a senior minister, but nevertheless decided to vote against the bill. “The future of the five-year term is played out in two days”slips a figure of Macronie, before confessing: “Anyway, we will be scared until the end.

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