“We will attack the decrees before the Council of State”, promises Force Ouvrière

The union denounces a reform of “unprecedented harshness”.


Reading time: 2 min

The FO Confederal Secretary in charge of employment Michel Beaugas, December 13, 2017. (JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP)

“We told the Minister of Labor last week, we will attack the decrees before the Council of State”, promises Sunday May 26 on France Inter Michel Beaugas, FO confederal secretary in charge of employment. In the Tribune on Sunday, Gabriel Attal confirms the ideas presented this week by the Minister of Labor, Catherine Vautrin, to the social partners concerning unemployment insurance.

Unemployment insurance compensation rules will be tightened from December 1. The government plans to reduce the duration of compensation from 18 to 15 months and to once again tighten the conditions of access to compensation: it will be necessary to have worked 8 months over the last 20 months to be compensated, compared to 6 during of the last 24 months currently. “There were no consultations. This reform is unprecedentedly harsh. There are some surprises in the minister’s interview such as the change from 18 to 15 months, this was left unsaid with the Minister of Labordenounces Michel Beaugas.

For “unblock recruitment for seniors”the government creates a “senior job bonus” : it will allow you to supplement for one year a salary lower than the previous one. This supplement, paid by unemployment insurance, will make it possible to compensate for the shortfall in wages up to 3,000 euros. “This additional salary promised by the government will only last one year”, deplores the FO confederal secretary in charge of employment. Thus, he continues, seniors “will fall into poverty. In any case, they will be paid less if they return to work after age 57”.

“This is the fifth reform since the President of the Republic was elected. It is unprecedentedly harsh”, repeats the trade unionist. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal explains in the Tribune on Sunday that the objective of this new unemployment insurance reform is to“move towards full employment”. But Michel Beaugas assures that “that’s not the point”. According to him, the government “wants to reduce the debt” and that’s why, “we are going to make the most precarious in this country pay savings to be able to fill the famous debt hole”. With this reform, the government hopes to save 3.6 billion euros.

This reform is all the more unjustified for Michel Beaugas as “unemployment insurance is in surplus”. “The government issued a decree last summer. It plans to take up to 12 billion euros from unemployment insurance surpluses by 2027. This is the reality: we are preventing people from being compensated or we shorten the duration of compensation These are savings made so that the government can draw on unemployment insurance surpluses.he argues to denounce these new rules which “will especially penalize young people and those on recurring fixed-term contracts or short contracts”.

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