“We were suddenly awakened by explosions”, says a journalist from Radio France on a mission in kyiv

Today, the Quarter Hour returns to the capital of Ukraine, kyiv, placed under curfew after new Russian bombardments. We take stock of the proliferation of government announcements, described as electioneering by the opposition 26 days before the presidential election. And then what do the Corsican nationalists want? The Minister of the Interior will meet them on Wednesday on the Isle of Beauty.

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The capital of Ukraine, kyiv, was once again hit by Russian bombardments on Tuesday, March 15. “We were suddenly awakened by explosions”, tells the Quart d’Heure Franck Mathevon, journalist for the international editorial staff of Radio France. He went near one of the affected buildings, at the foot of which he discovered “a crater”, and fears having difficulty working properly in the coming hours when a 36-hour curfew is decreed in the city, until Thursday morning.

With 26 days to go before the first round of the presidential election, the opposition accuses the government of multiplying “electoralist” announcements. After the “fuel discount” of 15 cents announced on Sunday March 13 by Jean Castex, then the end of the vaccination pass and the mask on Monday March 14, the government announced the thawing of the index point which makes it possible to calculate the remuneration of civil servants. “It’s electoral, but we take”, declares the FSU which however considers that it is not enough.

Two weeks after the attack in prison of the Corsican independence activist Yvan Colonna, the Minister of the Interior will visit this Wednesday, March 16 for two days in Corsica, the scene of demonstrations which sometimes turn into riots, like Sunday in Bastia, where 650 molotov cocktails were fired at the police. For the occasion, the Quarter Hour receives the Corsican political scientist André Fazi.

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