“We were best friends for a very long time”: Nicolas Batum confides in his beautiful story with his wife Aurélie

When we think of basketball and more specifically NBA, the first name that comes up is often that of Tony Parker, becoming in a few years a huge star of his sport, but we must not forget Nicholas Batum, who also has an incredible career. At 33, the 2.03 meter basketball player continues to perform at the highest level with the Los Angeles Clippers. A remarkable longevity for the one nicknamed Batman and who was also part of the France team which finished silver medal at the last Olympic Games.

Passing through France, Nicolas Batum took the opportunity to go to the set of the show As an aside on October 12, where he was able to talk about his career, but also his private life and in particular his love affair with Aurélie, the woman who has shared his life for many years. Together they had two children, Ayden (6 years old) and Nayeli (1 year old) and everything seems to be going wonderfully between them. If he is discreet about his relationship, the basketball player spoke about the beginnings of their relationship with journalist Nathalie Levy. “We have been best friends for a very, very long time. We have known each other since before the NBA”he reveals.

Our lives have made us get together in 2013-2014 and then now we have founded a small family

If it is not a common passion for sport that brought them together, Nicolas Batum ensuring that his wife is not particularly sporty, it is simply fate that has shaken everything up. “She worked in an art gallery… Our lives made us get together in 2013-2014 and then now we’ve started a little family and we are all very happy together”concludes the champion on his beautiful love story with Aurélie.

In this same interview, he also talks about his father, a basketball player who also died of a ruptured aneurysm in the middle of a match when Nicolas Batum was only 2 and a half years old. “I was in the stands with [ma mère]. I have memories, a few flashes, but it’s true that it’s a taboo subject”says the champion, still very marked by this tragic event.

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