“We went from 65 to 25 euros at the pump”, motorists seduced by the conversion to bioethanol

In his garage in Arpajon, in Essonne, Christophe Berger installs bioethanol conversion boxes almost on a chain. Count between 900 and 2000 euros for a complete installation. A cost that does not slow down motorists, because for several days, a symbolic bar at the pump has been exceeded: you have to pay nearly two euros on average for a liter of gasoline. While purchasing power is one of the major concerns of the French, some are therefore looking for solutions to cushion the shock of the price at the pump.

Among the solutions, the conversion of his car to bioethanol and what to get by with less than one euro per litre. A possible handling thanks to the installation of a small box which allows to make big savings. “During the day, I receive around ten or fifteen calls to make conversion systems“, slips the mechanic between two rings. Christopher Berger clarifies: “It is positioned on the fuse box box and we come to retune between the engine injectors and the engine computer”he expounds, pointing to the hood of a massive white hybrid car.

But faced with demand, which has been constantly increasing in recent years, its suppliers are out of stock and the installation time is getting longer. “Today, when I order a system, I don’t have it for a month”confides the one who expects to receive about fifteen boxes ordered.

Maël, the owner of the white hybrid converted to bioethanol, has just come to pick up his vehicle. “It’s the second we’ve equipped here. We went from 65 euros at the pump to around 25 euros”, he shares satisfied. A big saving for this manager of a VTC company who intends to convert his entire fleet. Alain would have liked to do the same, but on his diesel vehicle, it is not possible. So, this craftsman, crossed in a gas station near the garage, tries to save as much as he can.

I try to optimize my travels as well as possible, to avoid unnecessary kilometres, to find the shortest routes.

Alain, motorist


Others, like Romain, set themselves a budget not to be exceeded at the pump. “It’s 40 euros max, we don’t fill up anymore.” “Yes, we no longer fill up, but half-full because it’s out of budget, agrees Chantal. J‘ve changed my driving, I’m a lot in the deceleration. My average which was 6 liters per 100 and dropped to 4.9 liters. We can save a little bit like that”she concludes.

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