For the outgoing deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, Emmanuel Macron’s policies have led to an explosion of inequalities.
Reading time: 1 min

“We want to restore social peace”declares outgoing LFI MP Eric Coquerel, guest on the show Ma France on France Bleu on Tuesday June 25.
According to the elected official from Seine-Saint-Denis, Emmanuel Macron is at the origin of the risk of civil war. “We have a triptych which is liberty, equality, fraternity. When the Republican promise is no longer respected, I think that with Emmanuel Macron, we have no longer been on the question of equality since 2017, we have an explosion inequalities in this country. This is where social peace is endangered.describes Eric Coquerel.
According to him, the program of the New Popular Front rather wants to reduce inequalities. “On the contrary, we want to restore social peace by ensuring that all those who today, for example, are below the poverty line, earn their living”recalls Eric Coquerel.
For him, inequalities, “it was an explosion under Emmanuel Macron”. “That’s almost more than 9 million French people: all those who do not earn a good living with their salary, poor workers, but also most employees in this country.” He calculates that “the real average salary in this country has fallen by 2.5 points since 2017, when dividends and share buybacks were multiplied by two”.
The NFP “will better respect equality and on top of that, it will boost popular consumption and therefore it will boost economic activity”predicts Eric Coquerel.
The candidates on the 1e constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis (Épinay-sur-Seine, L’Île-Saint-Denis, Saint-Denis (west and south of the canal), Saint-Ouen):
- Jean-Pierre Monfils (Ensemble)
- François Péguillet (LR)
- Gersende Le Maire (Positive ecology and territories)
- Alain Aubry (Workers’ struggle)
- Paul Uhalde (Workers’ Party)
- Emmanuel Bilongo Mambweni