So many activities in Préchacq-les-Bains, at the Ferme Coumet specializing in market gardening, medicinal and aromatic plants in organic farming. There was already direct sale on Monday and Thursday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., the farm markets whose next one is next July 21 with local producers and artisans, special days to discover the world of wild edible plantsthere is also the on-site producer shop and now we also do spring rolls! Succulent spring rolls made only with the market garden production of the farm and on an original idea of the mistress of the place Aurélie Lalanne, a sparkling farmer and committed to “good local and healthy eating”. Thanks to her friend of Chinese origin Kia Vang, Aurélie embarked on this adventure of cooking on the farm. Every Thursday the nems are sold by the hundreds. You have to place an order until Wednesday evening at 07 61 75 67 90.
Everything is homemade except the rice paper, sauce included. And to try it at home, Aurélie and Kia tell us that you have to cut all your vegetables with precision and above all dip your rice sheets “back and forth” in boiling water, place them on a damp cloth before garnishing them. For the sauce it’s very simple: salty soy sauce, a little sugar and a little water, it will be much better than with a ready-made sauce. Nems made according to the production of the moment in the garden of the farm, at home you may consider adding meat or fish of your choice if you wish.
Nettle and rosemary!
Do not hesitate to rush on Monday and Thursday to the Coumet Farm to discover the latest novelties such as nettle jellies and jam and rosemary jelly. You will also probably love the apple jam, sweet pepper jam from the Landes, watermelon jam recipe from yesteryear, green tomato jam, zucchini jam with star anise, etc. Recipes signed Aurélie and all certified organic.
The days of sale at the farm you will find on site in addition to all the products of the farmers of the sector “Marylou leaves in bulk” itinerant grocery store with only bulk and local and “Mélanie paysanne charcutière”. In short, take a large basket because it’s an opportunity to fill up on a short circuit!