“We want a better world” -Ingrid St-Pierre

In the middle of the election campaign, Ingrid St-Pierre and Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette team up to denounce the inaction in the face of climate change by featuring fifty mothers and their children from the collective Mères au front in the touching music video mothers.

Ingrid St-Pierre’s new song is the first single from the upcoming 2023 album by the artist from Cabano, who hopes this cry from the heart will be heard.

“The message is clear: we want a better world, we want the choices to be directed towards our children. If it happens there [pendant la campagne électorale]it’s a timing perfect,” says the mom of two.

” I cried… “

Initially, it was not intended that mothers takes on a political dimension. When she finished her song, Ingrid St-Pierre however expressed the wish that if a music video were to be shot, “it won’t be with anyone other than Anaïs”. This one was just looking for a song to associate with mothers at the front, of which she is one of the instigators. It was the match perfect, says Ingrid St-Pierre, who can be seen in the clip, co-directed by Frédérique Bérubé, with one of her children. “I cried during filming. It was so beautiful. There were children all over the wood. I have seen mothers breastfeeding their babies, children who dip into other mothers’ coolers. They were everyone’s children. Everyone took care of everyone. »

“Changing Things”

Without saying that her career is taking a new turn, Ingrid St-Pierre confides that she will no longer approach music in the same way.

“I love my job, but more than ever, at the moment, I no longer want to make music for the sake of making music. If it’s just that, I’m going to do it in my living room. I want to build things, I want to try to change things. If it can move a mother and encourage her to take action for her children and the rest of the world, I will have humbly succeeded, ”says the one who says she is aware of her privilege of having a microphone to express herself.

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