“We try to keep politics out of all this”, assures Stéphane Bern

The Eurovision final is held on Saturday evening May 14 in Italy, and the Ukrainians are the favorites. “I think there is another way to show our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and I hope our leaders do it”objects on franceinfo Stéphane Bern who will comment on Eurovision on France 2. It is true that“we want to show our solidarity with the Ukrainian people”.

>> Eurovision, the other battlefield between Ukraine and Russia

Favorite of bookmakers, Ukraine competes with the Ukrainian group Kalush Orchestra, whose song Stefania mixes hip-hop and traditional music on intimate lyrics – written before the war – which resonate strongly with current events: “I will always find the way home even if all the roads are destroyed”.

franceinfo: Is Ukraine the favorite for music or because of the war on its soil?

Stephan Bern: There is necessarily an impact, but we try to keep politics out of all that. But it’s like football, it’s the second most important festive event in Europe after the European Football Cup, which brings together more than 200 million viewers. So, of course, there are political considerations that matter. For a moment, we wanted to show our solidarity with the Ukrainian people. But I think there are other ways to show our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and I hope our leaders do.

In any case, will there be no explicit message from you regarding the situation in Ukraine?

No, of course, we cannot ignore the fact that Russia is excluded. We cannot ignore the fact that we all want to show our solidarity with the Ukrainians.

“I find that the Ukrainian group is very courageous in showing that Ukraine continues to live, to exist on the European scene through song, and that’s what we want to support.”

Stephane Bern

at franceinfo

Also, the song is very good. And there is on one side the vote of the jury, on the other side the jurors of each country, plus the vote of the public. Many things can still call into question all predictions, but I don’t believe much in predictions anymore.

What will the show on Saturday night be like?

There are several degrees of reading Eurovision. There are many fans from all over the world who come and you will see the show is worth. I am thinking in particular of Australia’s performance, which is incredible. It’s a very nice show. On the other hand, there are people who watch with family or friends with a slightly amused look, so don’t disappoint them. It may be necessary to have a second degree but all in kindness, and in delicacy. We’re not here to be mean. In any case, our intentions are pure.

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