we tell you about the night when the paramilitary group of Evguéni Prigojine launched hostilities against the Russian army

The head of the Russian militia called on Friday evening to “stop” the Russian military high command, before taking possession of the army headquarters in the city of Rostov. “Russia is fighting today for its future”, reacted Vladimir Putin, who denounces a “betrayal”.

“They carried out strikes, missile strikes, on our rear camps. Very many of our fighters were killed.” It is nearly 10 p.m. (9 p.m. in Paris), Friday, June 23, when Evguéni Prigojine, the head of Wagner, accuses the Russian army of having led an offensive against his paramilitary group. In an audio message broadcast by his press service, the head of the militia then promises to “respond” to these attacks ordered, according to him, by the Russian Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu.

>> Wagner’s Rebellion in Russia: follow the information in our live

The latter immediately denies having ordered these strikes, speaking of a “provocation” from Prigozhin. But the event takes place against a backdrop of growing tensions between Wagner and the Russian army. The command of the Russian forces recently demanded that the formations of volunteers engaged on the Ukrainian front sign a contract before July 1, which the head of Wagner categorically refused.

In a new criticism against the army, late Friday afternoon, the boss of the paramilitary group also asked the Russian investigation committee to initiate criminal proceedings against the Minister of Defense and the head of the Russian general staff, accusing them of being responsible for a “genocide of the Russian people” and of “treason”.

A “march for justice”, not a “coup”

A few hours later, Vladimir Putin’s former “cook” launched the response. “We are 25,000 and we are going to determine why chaos reigns in the country (…) Our strategic reserves are the whole army and the whole country”, declares in the evening of Friday Evguéni Prigojine. Very active on Telegram, the boss of Wagner posts twelve audio messages between 8 p.m. and 4 a.m., notes on Twitter military historian Cédric Mas. That’s it “signature”, analysis the RFI correspondent in Moscow. “A camera everywhere with him and a strong presence on social networks, always on the initiative in communication.”

In one of the audio messages, the boss of the paramilitary group calls for “stop” the Russian military high command and calls for “all those who want to join us” For “put an end to the mess”. Evguéni Prigojine claims to be carrying out a “walk for justice”not one “Rebellion”.

The reaction of the Kremlin is not long in coming. Russian authorities announce the opening of an investigation against the head of Wagner for “call for armed mutiny”. “The allegations broadcast in the name of Yevgeny Prigozhin have no basis”, writes the National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia in a statement quoted by Russian news agencies.

As the evening progressed, generals close to the Wagner group appeared on television to try to reason with Evguéni Prigojine. General Sergei Surovikin asks the paramilitary group to stop, because “the enemy is just waiting for the domestic political situation to worsen in our country”. General Vladimir Alekseyev also raise your voice : “It’s a stab in the back of the country and the president [Poutine]. Only the president has the right to appoint military leaders, and you are trying to attack his authority. Come back to common sense!”

Moscow barricades itself

The Wagner threat is in any case taken very seriously by the Russian authorities. A little after midnight, security measures are reinforced in Moscow, reports the state agency TASS. “Strategic, state facilities and transport infrastructure have been placed under enhanced protection”, detail the police. The Russian security services are also calling for the arrest of Yevgeny Prigojine. A special bulletin is broadcast on the first Russian channel to assure the population that his allegations “have no basis.

kyiv, for its part, is watching the situation carefully. Ukraine’s military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov believes rival Russian factions are beginning to “devour each other for power and money”. Worried, the Russian Ministry of Defense claims that the Ukrainians are taking advantage of the “provocation of the boss of Wagner and the disorganization generated, to move towards the city of Bakhmout, taken over by Russia in May”.

On franceinfo, the military historian Cédric Mas wonders about “the effect of these dissensions on the Russian troops fighting on the front” Ukrainian. Wagner’s rebellion may appear as “not very motivating”, even “demoralizing” for the troops.

Rostov in the hands of Wagner

During the night, Evguéni Prigojine goes from words to deeds. The leader of the paramilitary group crossed the border and claims to have entered in the early morning the headquarters of the Russian army in the city of Rostov-on-Don, a key center for the Russian assault on Ukraine. “We’re at HQ, it’s 7:30 in the morning [6h30, heure de Paris], he says in a video posted on Telegram. He also assures that his troops shot down a Russian helicopter which had “opened fire on a civilian column”.

“The military sites in Rostov are under control [du groupe Wagner]including the airfield.”

Yevgeny Prigojine, leader of the Wagner group

on Telegram

The Russian capital, the region of Rostov, neighboring Ukraine, and that of Lipetsk, then announced reinforced security measures in the face of Wagner’s rebellion. Google News is blocked for many Russian internet users, claims on Twitter Netblocks, a group that monitors internet shutdowns around the world. The Russian authorities also call on the inhabitants of Rostov not to go to the city center. On social networks, images show armed men near official buildings, among civilians.

What reception did the Wagner group receive in this Russian city? “The main command point is functioning normally”assures Evguéni Prigojine, still on Telegram, adding that“no officer“deployed there has been suspended from his duties. He takes the opportunity to attack Moscow again. “A large number of territories” conquered in Ukraine “are lost” And “many soldiers are killed”he says, accusing the Russian army of not telling the truth about the situation on the front.

“The Way of Betrayal”

The Kremlin does not stand idly by. THE “anti-terrorist operation regime” is established in Moscow and its region, announces the National Anti-Terrorism Committee. “In order to prevent possible attacks”, this regime has also been established in the Voronezh region, bordering Ukraine. The Russian Ministry of Defense also promises to “ensure security” of the fighters of the paramilitary group Wagner if they disassociate themselves from the“criminal adventure” of their boss. The ministry says that “numerous” Wagner members have already contacted him asking to return to their barracks.

“You have been tricked into participating in Prigozhin’s criminal adventure.”

The Russian Ministry of Defense

in a press release

Faced with the gravity of the situation, Vladimir Putin spoke on Saturday mid-morning in a televised address. He admits that the situation in Rostov is “difficult” and condemns “the actions that break our unity”, qualified as “treason”. “Russia is fighting today for its future”says Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers an address to the nation as Wagner fighters stage a rebellion, June 24, 2023. (GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/SPUTNIK)

In a black suit, with a serious air and a martial tone, the head of the Kremlin addresses without naming him the man who defies him, accusing “traitors” to the Russian nation. “Those who have chosen the path of treason, blackmail, terrorist threats will be punished very quicklyhe says. Those who carried out this military rebellion betrayed Russia and will answer for their actions.”

“It’s a stab in the back of our country and our people.”

Vladimir Poutine

during a televised speech

“When he spoke of the betrayal of the fatherland, the president was deeply mistaken. We are patriots. We fought and we are fightingreacts then Evguéni Prigojine on Telegram. We don’t want the country to live in corruption, deceit and bureaucracy.” Wagner’s fighters do not “will make not”assures the leader of the paramilitary group.

On the Ukrainian side, President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks via a message on Twitter at midday. “Russia’s weakness is obvious”, he says. “For a long time Russia used propaganda to hide its weakness and the stupidity of its government. But now there is so much chaos that no lie can hide it anymore.” One of his advisers, also on Twittertakes bets: “The next 48 hours will define Russia’s new status.”

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