Guest on franceinfo on Tuesday, Laurent Jacobelli ensures that the National Gathering will respect the wishes of Robert Badinter’s relatives not to see them at the national tribute.
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“We take note of it and we respect it”reacted Tuesday February 13, on franceinfo Laurent Jacobelli, RN deputy for Moselle, spokesperson for the National Rally, after the wish expressed by the family of Robert Badinter not to see a representative of the RN and the Insoumis at the tribute which will be returned to the former Minister of Justice on Wednesday.
“The idea is not to argue. It is a wish of the family. In these cases, we cannot do anything other than respect it”affirms Laurent Jacobelli. “We would have gone there because we think that as representatives of the people, we had our place there and we always go to national tributes”assures the spokesperson for the RN.
“The family has spoken. Period. Of which act.”
Laurent Jacobelli still wishes to point out that “Robert Badinter himself said” that the RN, “Marine Le Pen in any case”, had “his place in the march against anti-Semitism”. He adds that Elisabeth Badinter “said that Marine Le Pen was the last to defend the idea of secularism”. But Laurent Jacobelli respects the family’s choice. “I’m not part of the family. I don’t know what the reasons were that imposed this choice”adds the MP.
The spokesperson for the National Rally also wishes to emphasize that his party is not in favor of the death penalty. “Today, our position is very clear. We are for life sentences that are impossible to reduce. We are not for the death penalty. It is very clear, so there is no ambiguity for us. “