We summarized the first week for you



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We have heard a lot about it, but concretely, what has happened so far at COP26? Back to the events of the first week.

Among the many speeches and the various activists’ actions that took place during this first week, here is a small selection of what to remember. For example, Tuesday, November 2 was mainly decided on the issue of methane. This gas comes mainly from cows or sheep, but also from leaks in oil and gas farms or waste and rice fields and it has already created more than a third of global warming.

Brut was also able to follow the many young people who mobilized, in particular some who launched a petition with Greta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate and many other activists from around the world. From the first day of COP26, these young people wanted to ask leaders to act now. Another major issue of this first week of COP: fossil fuels. This was one of the main topics discussed during the day of Thursday, November 4: 190 countries and organizations have agreed to phase out coal. “The signatories pledge to stop supporting the fossil energy sector internationally by the end of 2022. This is a global, ambitious and immediate commitment“announced Britain’s Greg Hands, Minister of State for Energy and Clean Growth.


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