we summarize the first year of the vaccination campaign in France in nine acts

It was a year ago to the day: on December 27, 2020, France launched its vaccination campaign against Covid-19. After two confinements, Mauricette, a resident of an Ehpad in Sevran (Seine-Saint-Denis), was the first Frenchwoman to receive a dose of the precious injection. franceinfo looks back on this year of vaccination and its different stages in nine acts.

Act 1: France starts its vaccination campaign

It was on Christmas Eve 2020 that the Minister of Health announced the upcoming launch of the vaccination campaign. “There will first be two or three institutions for the elderly, from Sunday. One will be located near Paris “, details, at the time, Olivier Véran. On December 27, the very first injections were therefore carried out.

At the time, only one vaccine was authorized, that of Pfizer. It was validated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on December 21, then authorized by the High Authority for Health (HAS) in the wake. The people most at risk, such as the elderly residing in nursing homes or equivalent establishments, are targeted as a priority. “I am very happy to have been chosen”, congratulates one of the first vaccinated on franceinfo. “I care about my health and my life. It has to be extended.”

Act 2: the deployment of vaccination centers

The extension of the campaign is precisely the watchword at the beginning of the year 2021. The government has however chosen to start vaccination among the most vulnerable and some nursing staff. It is indeed necessary to prioritize according to the number of available doses because only one vaccine is authorized and its storage conditions are, at the time, drastic, with a maintenance of the storage temperature between -80 ° C and -60 ° C. . We therefore vaccinate little.

On January 14, the Prime Minister finally announced the opening of the first vaccination centers in the city. Jean Castex explains that several hundred will emerge but that they will remain reserved for more than 75 year. At that time, less than 500,000 people are then vaccinated.

Act 3: more and more authorized vaccines

To fuel these new centers that are opening, the good news comes from another pharmaceutical company, Moderna. She in turn obtained, on January 6, an authorization to market her vaccine in Europe. This makes it possible to offer a few hundred thousand additional doses.

A few days later, it was the turn of the AstraZeneca vaccine to enter the scene thanks to an authorization from the European Medicines Agency. It must be a game-changer, especially because it is easier to use and several million doses are promised as early as the following month. Finally, on March 12, the Janssen vaccine, which requires only one injection, is authorized by the High Authority for Health. The campaign is open to over 50 years with comorbidity on February 19. At the beginning of March, nearly 2 million French people are fully vaccinated.

Act 4: the AstraZeneca vaccine in the hot seat

On March 15, when the vaccination opens in pharmacies, Emmanuel Macron speaks. “On the recommendation of the Minister of Health, in conjunction with the French health authorities and in accordance with our European policy, the decision was taken to suspend, as a precaution, the vaccination with AstraZeneca”, announces the Head of State from Montauban, where he takes part in a Franco-Spanish summit. The vaccine is suspected of causing serious side effects, including thrombosis, in younger patients. The vaccine will return a few days later, after examination, but with reduced use to those over 55 years old.

Act 5: vaccination is open to all adults

The campaign is gradually opening up to healthy people. At the end of May, everyone over 18 can receive the vaccine. At the time, 25 million French people then received a first dose. More than 10 million have a complete vaccination schedule …

Act 6: minors over 12 can be vaccinated

The government then authorizes vaccination for minors over 12 years old. The announcement is made on June 2 and the campaign starts on June 15, on a voluntary basis. But teens are cautious: “I don’t really like injections and vaccines so I don’t really feel like it”, thus entrusts a young girl to franceinfo. “If it becomes compulsory for access to culture and travel, I will end up doing it. But if I can not do it right away, I will not do it”, confides another.

Act 7: the entry into force of the health pass

The government has understood that these hesitations exist in the general population. The idea of ​​linking vaccination to travel authorizations or entry into certain places such as restaurants or cinemas is gaining ground within the executive. A first version of the health pass is implemented on June 9. However, the vaccination campaign is slowing down despite everything.

On July 12, the health pass therefore becomes the executive’s trump card. “From the beginning of August, the health pass will apply in cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, hospitals, retirement homes, medico-social establishments, but also in planes, trains and coaches for long journeys “, list Emmanuel Macron in a speech. It actually comes into force on August 9. At the end of August, nearly 50 million French people received a first dose, more than 40 million are fully vaccinated. Among them, the caregivers, for whom the vaccine became an obligation on August 30.

Act 8: the start of the recall campaign

The health pass barely entered into force, the French have already had to think about their booster dose. Indeed, the scientific data are clear: after a few months, the protection of the vaccine wanes. On September 13, the recall campaign therefore officially opened for residents of nursing homes. It then spreads to town.

On November 9, to speed up this slippery recall campaign, the Head of State tightens the screw. “If you were vaccinated more than six months ago, I call on you to protect yourself by making an appointment now with a vaccination center, your doctor or pharmacist. From December 15, you will need justify a reminder to extend the validity of your health pass “, announces the President of the Republic in an address.

Act 9: the recall campaign is expanding, children under 11 can be vaccinated

At the beginning of December, this recall campaign was extended: first to over 50s, then to over 18s. In mid-December, children aged 5 to 11 considered “at risk” can, for the first time, be vaccinated. They are soon followed by children from 5 to 11 years old without any particular pathologies.
In mid-December, children aged 5 to 11 can be vaccinated for the first time.

At the end of 2021, France therefore has more than 52.5 million people who have received at least a first dose, more than 51 million having a complete vaccination schedule and around 22 million having received their booster dose. On the other hand, 5.5 million eligible French people have still not been vaccinated. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), vaccination has saved 500,000 people in Europe, and nearly 40,000 in France.

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