we summarize the controversy in four acts

This is the first controversy of this year 2022. France took on Saturday, for six months, the rotating presidency of the European Union with an ambitious program, that of a Europe “powerful” and “sovereign”. At midnight, she took over from Slovenia, which had chaired the Council of the EU since July 1, and will give way to the Czech Republic in the second half of the year.

Symbol of this relay, the Eiffel Tower, the Elysée Palace and other official and cultural buildings in Paris and in the regions, were illuminated at the same time in blue, the color of Europe. But the installation of the European flag under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, a few hours earlier, also sparked a lively controversy. The far right and the right have castigated the “replacement” of the French flag by that of the EU. The latter was finally withdrawn on Sunday January 2, “according to schedule”, assures the Elysee to franceinfo.

Franceinfo summarizes the controversy in four acts.

Act 1: the far right criticizes the installation of the European flag

She was the first to draw. At the end of the afternoon, on December 31, Marine Le Pen expressed her indignation on Twitter, explaining that she was “outraged” to see the French flag “replaced” by that of the European Union. It should nevertheless be remembered that the French flag is not permanently installed under the Arc de Triomphe. It is only deployed there during certain commemorations and official ceremonies.

The candidate of the National Rally then announced in the first light of day in 2022 that she was challenging this government decision before the Council of State. “The flagging of the Arc de Triomphe in the sole colors of the European Union, which does not even accompany the national flag, constitutes a real attack on the identity of our Fatherland”, she justifies. The other far-right candidate, Eric Zemmour, followed suit. “After the rampage and packaging, the outrage”, he wrote on Twitter, in reference to the violence and degradation during demonstrations of “yellow vests” in December 2018 and to the packaging of the monument by the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude in September 2021.

Act 2: the right and rebellious France take over

At the end of the evening of December 31, it was Valérie Pécresse’s turn to denounce the government’s choice. “To preside over Europe yes, to erase the French identity, no!” wrote the Republican candidate, on Twitter, while asking the head of state to “restore our tricolor flag next to that of Europe under the Arc de Triomphe”.

The rebels have also expressed their strong disapproval. “That a European flag replaces the French flag under the Arc de Triomphe is a mistake. The unknown soldier did not die for Brussels”, criticized LFI deputy Bastien Lachaud. Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced “macronist whims” by recalling that the Treaty of Lisbon did not mention this star flag.

Act 3: the executive and the government respond

Faced with the emerging controversy widely relayed and commented on on social networks, the macronie quickly retaliated to defend the installation of the European flag. The Secretary of State for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, notably cracked several tweets on the subject, attacking, for example, Valérie Pécresse. “Running after Marine Le Pen, copying her tweets and polemical bass, what sadness Valérie Pécresse!” he wrote.

“Let’s be clear: the flag of the European Union has not ‘replaced’ the flag of France, which is only displayed for ceremonies”, he also recalled. “In 2008, Nicolas Sarkozy organized a ceremony to rekindle the flame with the European commissioners, hence the presence of the two flags”, he added.

“For two days, the oppositions have been beating on the European flag. During this time, three feminicides have been committed in our country. And there, not a word. Which brings together the opponents of Emmanuel Macron, it’s a gigantic disconnection “, for his part tackled the former minister and MEP Nathalie Loiseau.

The President of the Republic himself tweeted a terse message. “Let’s look to the future”, wrote Emmanuel Macron, with a photo of the Eiffel Tower illuminated in European colors.

Act 4: the flag is withdrawn, the government is defending itself from any “retreat”

We are now on January 2nd. The day has barely dawned when a journalist points out that the European flag has been withdrawn from the Arc de Triomphe.

An hour later, Marine Le Pen reacts to an article that mentions this withdrawal and boasts about Twitter “a beautiful patriotic victory at the dawn of 2022”. The RN candidate takes the opportunity to thank “the massive mobilization of all lovers of France and the Republic to push back Emmanuel Macron.”

Asked by franceinfo on this concomitance between the controversy and the withdrawal, the Elysee denies any link. “The European flag was scheduled to be installed on December 31 and January 1 to mark the symbolic kickoff of the French presidency of the European Union. It was removed on schedule.”, assumes the presidency. Guest of France Inter on Sunday noon, Clément Beaune confirmed this calendar and refuted any “retreat”.

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