“We should blow your ass”, “suc ** r of the government”, “bunch of bastards”, the shock video of an LCI journalist in an anti-ax demonstration

LCI reporter Paul Larrouturou took to his grade this Monday, January 3. Sent to an anti-tax event for a report to be broadcast on LCI, everything did not go as planned. Far from there.

Insults and threats, the daily life? No, but sometimes in certain situations it is unavoidable. Especially when we ask anti-ax protesters whether hospital care for unvaccinated people should remain “free” or not. It was during the demonstration on Monday January 3, 2022 in front of the National Assembly that it all started.

As the Omicron variant continues to impose itself and wreak havoc in France, the government is trying everything to limit the spread, and in particular to prevent the unvaccinated from doing as much as possible. A bill to switch from the health pass to the vaccine pass is also currently under discussion. And to show the delicate situation, LCI decided to go on the ground for a report in action. And action, that’s not what was lacking for Paul Larrouturou and his microphone.

As Internet users are discovering on the Web, while the journalist speaks of this possibility of making unvaccinated admitted to hospital pay, one of them calls him a “shitty journalist”, of “band motherfuckers”, before threatening him not to stay calm for long: “For the moment we are calm, but soon we will not remain so”. Preferring to move away to question other demonstrators, the latter was once again taken to task by the previous antivax: “You are corrupt! One day, your management and you who accept this job, you will be held accountable Sir for the disinformation”. Very angry, the man decides to empty his bag “You are spokespersons for the fear pandemic. We kill with this experimental injection. We kill children “.

Words that very quickly went wrong since the man, not questioned, began to physically threaten Paul Larrouturou: “We should fuck your ass. You’re motherfuckers, government suckers, you follow that motherfucker Macron.”

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