“We regret a lack of action by decision-makers”, regrets a young Amiens climate activist

The climate issue occupied only 5% of presidential debates this week according to several environmental groups. What pushes part of the Picardy youth to mobilize, this Friday, in Amiens. A march is organized by the Youth For Climate collective.

“We are not ready for climate change, nearly half of the world’s population is at risk.” Warning cry this morning from Albin Croissandeau on France Bleu Picardie. This high school student from Amiens is a member of the Youth For Climate France collective and is organising, this Friday at the station square from 4 p.m., a march for the climate. He was our guest on France Bleu Picardie.

“It is the youth who must mobilize. Unfortunately, we notice that there is a lack of action and awareness of our decision-makers, the oldest. We are obliged to mobilize”, regrets Albin Croissandeau.

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“It started with a personal commitment, in my daily life at home, to be eco-responsible. But it was when I COP 26 — the 26th edition of the Conference of Parties — that I really got started by what I saw the lack of measurements. I said to myself that something had to be done. And then I joined the Youth For Climate collective and we created a group in Amiens as there were none before”explains the young man.

“Demonstrating is the only major means of pressure we have” — Albin Croissandeau, member of Youth For Climate Amiens

“As long as we don’t have strong actions and measures taken, we will have to demonstrate. If we have to do it every week, we will do it. If we have to walk every day, we will do it”, insists Albin Croissandeau. The presidential election is coming up in two weeks, and “It’s totally absent from the debates. We saw it this week, it’s 5% of media time and still it’s a record. Last week, it was 3%”still regrets Albin Croissandeau. “It creates a distance between citizens and candidates when people have real expectations on the climate issue”concludes Albin Croissandeau.

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