“We really need to reform financial support,” argues Pierre Moscovici


“The CNC is a magnificent institution,” recalls Pierre Moscovici, but “we know” that of the “more than 200 films” produced, not all have “a sufficient or extraordinary level of quality. It is a criterion that exists anyway”.

“We have a wonderful cinema policy in France” but “we produce a lot of films” And “a good third do not reach more than 20,000 spectators in theaters”, recalled Tuesday October 3 on franceinfo the first president of the Court of Auditors Pierre Moscovici. In a report published on September 20 on the management of the National Center for Cinema and Animated Images (CNC), the highest French financial court has, in fact, called for “a thorough reform of aid” financial grants granted to the 7th art in France.

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If “this report is very positive” and that the “CNC is a magnificent institution”also insisted Pierre Moscovici, “we know” that on the “more than 200 films” products, not all have “a sufficient or extraordinary level of quality. It’s a criterion that nevertheless exists.”

“I think we really need to reform support” financial, therefore pleaded the former Minister of the Economy, “which is done consensually with the production. Not to reduce the number of films, but to ensure that these productions are of quality and that they reach the public.”

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