“We really have to do everything to limit speculation” in real estate, defends Anne Hidalgo




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The mayor of Paris, socialist candidate for the presidential election, was one of the guests of the program “Elysée 2022”, Thursday evening on France 2.

“The real estate market needs to be much more regulated.” Guest of the program of “Elysée 2022”, Thursday March 17 on France 2, the socialist candidate for the presidential election, Anne Hidalgo, called to fight against this type of speculation.

Franceinfo published Thursday a survey as part of the operation “Les focus de franceinfo”, on these “maxi-owners” concentrating half of the French rental stock. As this survey shows, citing INSEE, 3.5% of households own 50% of the rental stock in France.

“We really have to do everything to limit speculation”, defended the mayor of Paris. “How? For example, we invented (…) a system that allows you to buy housing, to buy your home, to be in home ownership, but the land remains the property of the municipality. And individuals buy what are called the walls”, detailed Anne Hidalgo. “It is a way of limiting speculation on land (…) and which makes it possible to frame speculation when there is a resale.”

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