What is the “employer brand”? It’s not just a marketing tool! Used to its full potential, it can become a real business opportunity to improve a company’s visibility and allow it to stand out. Three human resources experts combine their strategies to help organizations strengthen their power of attraction.
“The employer brand is the image that a company conveys to its market — prospects, customers, candidates, employees — no longer [à l’aide] of its products or services, but [grâce aux] women and [aux] men it attracts, recruits, integrates, retains, develops, lets go and whom it makes ambassadors. »
So much for the definition. As for the method, here are the main measures that allow it to shine. The authors first note that companies often fail to define their recruitment needs in an exhaustive manner. Preparing a detailed job description, giving it a more human dimension, developing a presence and an identity on the web and making a good impression right from the interview are all simple steps to follow to promote the recruitment of the best talent.
Create lasting bonds
It is better to cultivate a good relationship from the presentations made in the interview. However, how many recruiters neglect a few fundamental principles, such as an open and warm attitude, signs of recognition, a confident air?
Then, you have to know how to integrate recruits: communicate key information to them, carry out regular follow-ups, strengthen their sense of belonging. “Integration begins on the first day of work”, underline the authors, recalling that nearly 20% of contracts are terminated in the first three months of work for new employees. Casually, “an employee proud to join your organization will communicate widely to their networks and will be a true ambassador of your brand”.
Feeling good in the workplace also makes you want to stay. However, the layout of the premises says a lot about the prosperity of a company and its hierarchical or collaborative culture. Well laid out, offices create spaces conducive to exchanges, provided that distinctive signs of subordination are limited by granting certain privileges (individual offices, better parking spaces, coffee machines, etc.).
Hire your employees!
“One of the most effective ways to involve your employees in order to make them ambassadors for your company is to enrich and reinforce their pride in working for you”, explain the authors.
No more empty words; hello, positive values! On the front line: transparency, ethics and the search for performance. And so that your employees stay with you for a long time, have a career management approach that adopts the prism of plurality and avoids generational divides.
“Careers no longer pursue a purely linear and upward development, but must progress in all directions (vertical, horizontal and lateral), which requires an accompanying effort in terms of training. Despite all this, an employee is about to leave? Prepare to make this transition “together”.
A breach of employment contract should not taint your relationship and damage the image of your company. Respect for procedures and management of emotions: you must organize the departure of the employee as you organized his arrival!
* This article is published thanks to a partnership with the magazine Management HEC Montrealwhere it first appeared.

Companies: 7 levers to strengthen your power of attraction
De Foucault, C., Marty, F. and Tétrel, L.
Paris, Editions Eyrolles, 2022
221 pages