– Photo: Marlène Laroche
Oscar Fuentes, doctor in Prehistory-Ethnology-Anthropology at the University of Paris I Panthéon- Sorbonne, archaeologist by training, conducts research on Upper Paleolithic populations (between 30,000 and 10,000 before the present) in Europe, his research axes are around art and symbolic expressions in the Magdalenian (around -18,000 and -10,000), in particular through representations of the human body. He collaborates and directs several archaeological operations in the field of caves and ornate shelters as well as the study of movable art. Oscar Fuentes is also Scientific Assistant at the National Prehistory Center (CNP) he guides Pauline Bellemere, a student at the CNP who works on traces that she observes in the context of her apprenticeship, with a view to her thesis. Whether or not its traces are anthropological, this is what it will have to determine using digital tools, digitized photos and 3D software.
– Photo: Marlène Laroche