“We prepare for everything”

Three weeks now from the end of the transfer window, coach Philippe Montanier spoke about the Toulouse transfer window before the second day of Ligue 1 in Troyes. Without certainty of keeping its best players.

“We know that we can lose two or three players”

“It’s hard to predict the future. It’s a very special market this year because it’s not moving too much. Will it panic in the last few days? Will it stay flat ? We prepare for everything. We know that we can lose two or three major players in the last few days. As we can also keep them. It’s a habit for coaches. It is enough for a club to put in enough financial arguments for the player and for the club for it to change the situation”, explains the coach.

Regarding possible arrivals, Philippe Montanier does not advance too much: “If we could recover a player… But I don’t think about it too much. We have a competitive group in terms of quality and sufficient quantity. We will adapt according to the situation.”

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