“We never stop demanding resignation as soon as there are accusations”, insists a lawyer

According to the lawyer, the priority is that everyone be put back “on the same footing of equality”, victim as accused.

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“We never stop calling for the resignation as soon as there are accusations, so that justice can take its course as it should and that there is no shadow of a doubt”, insists master Élodie Tuaillon-Hibon, Monday May 23 on franceinfo. The lawyer at the Paris bar has defended several complainants in recent years in cases of sexual violence involving politicians, in particular Gérald Darmanin, current Minister of the Interior, and Georges Tron, former Secretary of State of François Fillon between 2010 and 2011.

>> Accusations of rape targeting Damien Abad: “Justice is the only one who must and can decide”, replies the government spokesperson

A minister, according to her, makes the “special file”. “These are people of power, who embody power”which is why feminist activists and people who fight against sexual violence “demanding the shelving. “In all the other European countries it happens this way, it is only in France that it does not happen like this”, she complains. According to the lawyer, the priority is that everyone is recovered “on an equal footing”victim as accused.

“When you are a minister, you are even more in a position of power and that cannot but be detrimental to the investigation, to information, to the progress of things.

Master Elodie Tuaillon-Hibon

at franceinfo

Damien Abad, appointed Minister of Solidarity in the government of Elisabeth Borne, is for the moment maintained in his post. “The establishment of the truth, it is up to justice to do it”it’s here “alone to have or to be able to decide”, said Olivia Grégoire, government spokesperson after the Council of Ministers. A bad answer according to Maître Élodie Tuaillon-Hibon for whom the principle of the presumption of innocence is “agitated to obstruct the credibility of the victims’ complaints”. “We have to stop turning things upside down”she concluded.

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