Excluded from La France Insoumise, the former Insoumis Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido, Clémentine Autain and Hendrik Davi have launched a new movement, called “L’Après”.
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“We needed a healthy, breathable space, based on respect for activists”explains the former LFI MP for Seine-Saint-Denis Raquel Garrido, Saturday July 13 on franceinfo. With other former rebels, such as Alexis Corbière, Clémentine Autain or Hendrik Davi, she launched a new movement on Friday called “L’Après” (Association for an Ecological and Social Republic).
Raquel Garrido claims that he had become “necessary” to organize. She also claims that it is not a question “not of a party”and that a member of the association can very well belong to a party at the same time. She rather evokes “a framework for intellectual reflection, geared towards political practice” and who wants to be “hyphen”. “We want to put our experience at the service of the country”she adds.
Raquel Garrido assures that this movement was launched because “hundreds of people [leur] were asking” to do it because they “saw clearly that it was difficult to have an open, benevolent framework for deliberation within La France Insoumise and the left in general”. “At La France Insoumise, we are a sort of pawn in a gaseous universe with a charismatic leader”denounces the former MP.