We need to look at nuclear power “with a new eye”, according to the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

We must look at nuclear power with a “new eye in 2024,” argued the CEO of the Caisse et placement du Québec, Charles Emond, on the sidelines of a press conference organized by the Montreal Chamber of Commerce. Wednesday.

Mr. Emond believes that we must demonstrate “pragmatism” on the issue of nuclear energy.

“I’m coming back from France, [le nucléaire] is an important element for decarbonizing. Not everyone has the same sources of hydroelectricity,” he said.

“It’s an energy that is clean, which comes with certain risks. It is perhaps to frame it and look at it with a new eye in 2024,” he clarified.

Without commenting on a potential revival of the Gentilly nuclear power plant in Bécancour, Mr. Emond believes that “generally, nuclear power is something that should not be completely excluded”.

“In a context where there are still energy deficits in certain places, and in relation to other sources of energy, there is a certain merit in looking at it in a global way,” according to him .

The Caisse ready to support Hydro-Québec

Furthermore, the head of the Caisse de dépôt said he was ready to support Hydro-Québec in the implementation of its investment plan.

“Projects to help decarbonize Quebec are exactly in line with our strategic ambition,” he stressed.

By 2035, Hydro-Québec plans to invest between $155 and $185 billion to ensure the sustainability of its current service and meet the growth in electricity demand.

The Fund’s support could “take several forms,” said Mr. Emond. “It could be at the level of the debt as a creditor: we could be a lender. We could also be a shareholder: have a role as an infrastructure investor in some of their projects,” he gave as examples.

However, there is “no specific discussion” at this stage, said the head of the Fund.

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