“We need to be accompanied” by the State, warns the environmentalist president of the Metropolis of Lyon who rejects the ban on diesels

Crit’Air 2 vehicles will be accepted in the Lyon low emission zone (ZFE) until 2028, two years longer than planned. A reprieve given by the Métropole de Lyon and its president Bruno Bernard who asked for state aid on Wednesday, on franceinfo.

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“We need to be accompanied” by the state “for the development of public transport” as part of the fight against pollution, said Wednesday February 15 on franceinfo Bruno Bernard. In the midst of a fine particle pollution peak, the President (EELV) of Lyon Metropolis has decided to postpone the ban on Crit’Air 2 vehicles (diesel vehicles) for two years. and petrol vehicles between 2006 and 2010).

The controls currently carried out by the cities

About fifteen large cities have already set up Low Emission Zones (ZFE) by gradually excluding the most polluting cars. “There are no controls, so it is not respected, it is not applied”lamented Bruno Bernard. “The date for the installation of automatic speed cameras that the State promised us of January 1, 2022 has been constantly postponed. We are now being told about the second half of 2024”he explained on franceinfo.

The president of the Lyon metropolis assumes the postponement of the ban on diesels: “It’s the only way to significantly reduce nitrogen dioxide pollution”but “It will take us a little longer. We had already given derogations for 70% of the population between 2026 and 2028. For the sake of realism and also simplification and understanding, we are making this last stage of the timetable more flexible”.

It is therefore a “reality principle” which is applied even if it admits that France “is very late compared to other European countries on the banning of polluting vehicles. We must accelerate and for that, we need much stronger support” of the State, repeated the president of the Metropolis of Lyon.

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