“We need international taxation”, pleads Emmanuel Macron


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“It doesn’t work when you do it alone,” added the President of the Republic on Friday on franceinfo, about an international tax to finance the fight against poverty and the climate, on the sidelines of the Paris Summit.

“We need international taxation” to finance the fight against poverty and the climate, pleaded Emmanuel Macron, exceptional guest of franceinfo, RFI and France 24, Friday June 23, live from the Palais Brongniart, as part of the summit for a new global financial pact. Emmanuel Macron, host of the “summit for a new financial pact”insisted on taxation on an international scale. “It doesn’t work when you do it alone”he hammered. “Socialism in a single country does not work, and international taxation in a single country does not work, because it is not international taxation and it penalizes that country”.

>> IDEO. Summit for a new financial pact: what to remember from the interview with Emmanuel Macron, exceptional guest of franceinfo

The President of the Republic calls for a “mobilization” to set up a system of international taxation on financial transactions (FTT), air tickets and maritime transport in order to finance the fight for the climate and against poverty. “I call for mobilization. Help us to find all the countries which today do not have an FTT and which today do not have a tax on plane tickets. Help us to mobilize to the International Maritime Organization in July so that there is an international taxation with China on maritime transport”continues the Head of State.

“Who did it around us? Almost no one”

“We, in France, have a tax on financial transactions. Who did it around us? Almost no one”explains the French head of state. “It doesn’t work when you do it alone because you are punished, the financial flows go elsewhere”, says Emmanuel Macron. Among the other ideas under discussion, an international tax on airline tickets. “We do it in France, it doesn’t work”underlines Emmanuel Macron. “We don’t raise enough money and we penalize ourselves. We don’t want to say that we are killing our airlines and that they are all going to the Gulf countries to make money”.

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