Psychiatrist Antoine Pelissolo calls for catching up on the delays in mental health in recent years with “enormously degraded working conditions”.
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“We need concrete measures with resources”believes Antoine Pelissolo, psychiatrist, head of the psychiatry department at the Henri-Mondor University Hospital in Créteil, in Val-de-Marne, and national secretary of the Socialist Party, on franceinfo, Monday September 23, while Michel Barnier declared that he wanted to make mental health the “great national cause” of the year 2025. “The cause is good, it also helps to destigmatize, to remove taboos more and more, but obviously it doesn’t make sense if there are no means to go with it.”underlines Antoine Pelissolo.
According to the psychiatrist, “There has been so much delay, so many savings have been made on mental health, that it is time to correct this a little bit”for example with a multi-year plan as for cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. He points out that the “working conditions have deteriorated enormously, with restrictions on resources and, above all, closures” of beds. “You can’t treat someone without staff to accompany them, without a place to live or a hospital”he adds.
Antoine Pelissolo believes that “The money that needs to be spent on mental health is money that we will save”. Indeed, according to him, “People who are unwell do not work well” And “create disturbances in their environment”SO “It’s a profitable long-term investment”.