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At 22 days fromhe presidential election, on 12/13 of Saturday March 19 receives the candidate Lutte Ouvrière, Nathalie Arthaud. She denounces the double-speed reception of refugees and wishes to raise the minimum wage to 2,000 euros.
Nathalie Arthaud is the guest of Catherine Matausch, in the 12/13 of Saturday March 19. The Lutte Ouvrière candidate says she is touched by the outpouring of solidarity from the French towards the Ukrainians. “When generosity is not restrained from above, by the political power which explains to us that refugees are still a problem, we see that it can unfold”, she adds. She thus deplores that the State did not reserve the same reception “for the Syrians, and for all those (…) who are fleeing poverty”.
For her third presidential candidacy, Nathalie Arthaud offers the SMIC at 2,000 euros. “It’s the idea that we need a minimum to live with dignity in this society”, she justifies. To finance it, she proposes to go “look at the accounts [des] large groups”. Credited with 0.5% of voting intentions in the first round of the presidential election, she defends her candidacy despite everything. “I am convinced that it is useful to all those who are looking for a way to defend and protect themselves”she assures.