we need “a framework” in which a woman can “speak serenely”, pleads Sandrine Rousseau

After the revelation of the accusations of “psychological violence” which Julien Bayou is the subject of against an ex-companion, Sandrine Rousseau estimates, on franceinfo Wednesday October 12, that it is necessary within Europe Ecologie-Les Verts “a frame” which ensures “the “security” of the victim. MP EELV had mentioned this case in mid-September on the set of “C à vous”. Julien Bayou had a few days later resigned from his post as national secretary of the party.

>> Requisition of the strikers: “I hope this will be the spark that will trigger a general strike movement”, declares Sandrine Rousseau

In July, an internal EELV cell self-seized an investigation into the former party leader after an email from his ex-girlfriend, from whom he separated in November 2021.

For Sandrine Rousseau, a political party is not “a space where we can serenely instruct this word of women”, all the more “when it touches someone in high places”in this case here the “party number one”she recalls, referring to Julien Bayou. “Political parties are places of loyalty or non-loyalty”continues the MP. “This cell had been seized for three months and nothing had happened”.

The EELV deputy for Paris believes that EELV “should have wondered to knowr what are the right conditions to deal with a situation like this”. According to Sandrine Rousseau, the ecologist party had not “never asked the question of how to respect the word of this woman” Insofar as “it was number one”. “It is a problem of management, moreover than of cell, to know why this theme was not addressed when there was a political subject”she decided.

On the Quatennens affair, Sandrine Rousseau pleads for an overhaul of the “Rules of the National Assembly”. According to her, the LFI which admitted having slapped his wife, and which is the subject of a complaint filed by the latter, must “withdraw” from his post at the Palais Bourbon “the time of investigation and instruction”. However, the one who stepped back from his post as coordinator of La France insoumise is still a deputy, although he is not present on the benches of the Assembly “because he has sick leave”said Sandrine Rousseau.

If the ecologist deputy concedes that the former number two of LFI “cannot represent women” in the hemicycle, she would like to point out that it is “still one of the few” politicians “to have acknowledged the facts”.

“We are in a new era”thinks Sandrine Rousseau “and the rules must be adapted so that women are respected and that there are no political games”. Indeed, in the event of the resignation of the LFI deputy from the North, partial elections should take place. This is “a risk” for the Insoumis, recognized the deputy EELV, “I understand that LFI does not want to take it”

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