“We must transform the claim into a project”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Friday, January 28, meeting with Gaulthier Lenôtre, engaged with Hervé Morin and Valérie Pécresse.

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He has the eloquence of a veteran politician, but is only 23 years old. Gaulthier Lenôtre is the founder of the Young Norman Conquerors movement which supports the centrist president of the Normandy region, Hervé Morin. Gaulthier says he represents a youth proud of its territory and its traditions, something that he believes is being lost.

“I think that we are not sufficiently aware of the richness of our territories, us, young people aged 18 to 25.”

Gauthier, 23 years old

at franceinfo

This young Norman defends the know-how of the French regions. “There are craftsmen who fight to preserve this know-how which has made our cultural influence. It’s getting lost, it’s true, but it’s up to us, the young people, to continue to pass the torch“.

Gaulthier wants to encourage young Normans to seize the local heritage. With his movement Les Jeunes Normands Conquérants, he notably created a small booklet with ten proposals “for the Normandy of tomorrow“. It proposes to promote heritage by installing, for example, QR codes in front of historical monuments.

“Voting should be compulsory for it to be representative of what society really thinks.”

Gauthier, 23 years old

at franceinfo

He also wants the young people of Normandy to take over politics. “There are young people who have demands but they have to take the plunge. We must transform the claim into a project.

Valérie Pécresse’s support for the presidential election, Gaulthier defines himself as “right and centre-right“. The values ​​he defends? “Girondism, decentralization, climate, budgetary and security issues.

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