Denis Peschanski, historian specializing in the Second World War and president of the scientific and orientation council of the mission to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Landing, the Liberation and the Victory, evokes “a symbolism of transmission”.
Reading time: 8 min

President Emmanuel Macron visits, Sunday April 7, the national necropolis of Glières, in Haute-Savoie, then the house of Izieu, in Ain. It is the kick-off of a vast program of commemorations on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Landing and the Liberation.
For historian Denis Peschanski, “it is a form of memorial convergence which is symbolized today by this double presence. We must of course give an account, as we do regularly, of the landings of June 6 in Normandy, of August 15 in Provence, of the operations military. It is fundamental, of course, but we must also take into account everything that France was during these dark years and also how it was rebuilt in the Resistance, a form of reconstruction of identity national which had really been damaged and deeply affected by the establishment of a regime which was the Vichy regime. We must not forget that the maquisards were hunted down, killed, by the Germans and by the Vichy troops. ”
The need for “generational transmission”
“This symbolism of transmissionhe adds, it’s crucial. These commemorations, like everything that accompanies the memory of the Second World War, must be marked by transmission and a transmission which in particular must go through schools, through young people. It’s a generational transmission.”