“We must return to our humanity, to respect for families and childhood”, assures the mayor of the city

“This June 8 will remain etched in the memory of all Annecy residents”. At the microphone of France Inter, the mayor of Annecy, François Astorg, called, Sunday June 11, for unity after the knife attack, which injured six, including four very young children, in a city park on Thursday. “We must return to our humanity, to respect for families and childhood”assured the aedile“We must all show courage to move forward and for life to regain its rights”he added.

A rally in support of the victims. The inhabitants of Annecy have planned to meet on Sundayaround 11 a.m., by the lake. “NOTWe will pay tribute to our heroes, who saved these people”, assured Sunday at the microphone of France Inter the mayor of the city François Astorg. Since the tragedy, perpetrated in broad daylight on a playground near the lake, a crowd has flocked to the scene to lay flowers, stuffed animals or even drawings. Follow our live.

The suspect placed in solitary confinement at the Aiton remand center (Savoie). The man was indicted for “attempted assassination”, “rebellion with a weapon”, announced on Saturday the prosecutor of Annecy Line Bonnet-Mathis. The suspect “did not wish to speak”neither during his 48-hour police custody, which ended Saturday morning, nor before the two investigating judges in charge of the investigation, said the prosecutor at a press conference.

Too early to bet on the motives of the suspect. Investigations are continuing for “understand his motivations”, underlined Saturday the director of the judicial police Damien Delaby, specifying that the case had mobilized more than a hundred investigators. The psychiatrist who examined the suspect “has noted the absence of frank delusional elements”but it is still too early to comment on a possible “psychiatric pathology”insisted the prosecutor.

The vital prognosis of the victims “is no longer engaged”. Four children (two French, one British and one Dutch) are still hospitalized, the prosecutor said on Saturday. They are 1 to 3 years old.

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