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Benjamin Rossi, infectious disease doctor, is the guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2, Monday, December 27.
Benjamin Rossi is releasing a book, En first line (Prisma), a logbook. “At the end of the third wave, I took a week’s vacation, started writing about what was going on. I was very marked physically and morally by all that was lived “, explains Benjamin Rossi, infectious disease doctor, guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2, Monday, December 27.
The criticism is sometimes bitter, especially on the situation in the hospital. “This is also why there are also departures. It’s not just a story of salaries, it’s also a story of working conditions and being able to take good care of people “, specifies the infectious disease doctor.
L’hospital atit turned into a business? “It is the will that is displayed. It’s impossible. There are caregivers who are a bulwark against this. This is what we are asked and this is what we are evaluated on. Caregivers are exhausted from having to follow frantic rhythms and slaughter “, says Benjamin Rossi. “We have to rethink everything in the financing system “, he adds.