“We must respect the President of the Republic”, considers the President of the Senate Gérard Larcher


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“We can disagree, we can manifest it. But I believe that at some point, we have to find reason,” reacted Gérard Larcher on franceinfo when he was asked about the social climate in the country.

“We must respect the President of the Republic”estimated Wednesday April 26 on franceinfo the president LR of the Senate Gérard Larcher, about the casserolades and numerous demonstrations observed during the trips of the President of the Republic, ministers and elected macronists since April 17 and the promulgation of the reform of the retreats by Emmanuel Macron. “We can disagree, we can express it. But I believe that at some point, you have to find your reason”, he reacted on franceinfo the president of the Senate LR Gérard Larcher when he was asked about the social climate in the country. Some elected officials denounce in particular attempts at intimidation on the part of these demonstrators. “Finding reason means stopping these attacks on elected officials, on ministers”he added. “Everyone must find their reason. We will have to meet, talk, negotiate”.

Elisabeth Borne unveils Wednesday from the Elysée the roadmap of “one hundred days of appeasement” And “action” decreed by Emmanuel Macron until July 14. Asked about this subject, the President of the Senate would like the social partners to sit around the table following this roadmap. “The pension page is not turned”believes Gérard Larcher, now calling for “write a certain number of social support systems”. “There is grain to grind and this grain there, it must be transformed into good flour in the interest of the employees, in the interest of the companies, in the interest quite simply of our country”.

Finally, asked about a possible government coalition between the executive and the LR party, the President of the Senate believes that “to make a coalition, you need a project, a contract and a majority. The conditions for creating a coalition, they are not met today”. “My horizon is the senatorial elections in September”he finished, evacuating the possibility of a candidacy from him to Matignon.

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