we must “prepare our country for 4°C” of global warming, warns the Minister for Ecological Transition



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Christophe Béchu calls on franceinfo on Wednesday to “get out of denial”, to build a “mitigation” strategy to “prepare for the worst”.

“Preparing our country for four degrees means anticipating a lot of changes”, warns Christophe Béchu, Wednesday February 22 on franceinfo. THE Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion will meet on Thursday February 23 “all the operators of the ministry” For “begin to build a four-degree trajectory” of global warming and “look at the consequences on investments, on standards, on soil, on water.”

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The Minister affirms that it is not only necessary to have a strategy of “mitigation” by “reducing greenhouse gases” but also “to prepare for the worst”. “We are already at 1.7°C increase in temperatures” in France and IPCC experts “tell us that we are not on the right trajectory”.

“Preparing for this is not wishing for it, it is on the contrary coming out of denial”, defends the minister, who argues “only one part” of global warming “does not depend on us, because that is also what is happening on a global scale.”

“At four degrees, two-thirds of ski resorts will lack snow in the Alps”projects Christophe Béchu. “At four degrees, we will have five times more drought” and “much more intense heat wave days.”

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