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Éric Coquerel, deputy La France insoumise and president of the Finance Committee at the National Assembly, was the guest of the “4Vs” on France 2, Thursday, October 27.
On Wednesday, October 26, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne held her government accountable, by resorting to Article 49.3 of the Constitution, on the entire Social Security financing bill (PLFSS). Guest of the “4V” on France 2, Thursday, October 27, Éric Coquerel declared that the deputies of La France insoumise (LFI) were going to table a motion of censure. “We must not trivialize 49.3, which is something quite unique in democracies. This means that the National Assembly does not vote on the budget, which is one of its main prerogatives”explains the deputy LFI and president of the Finance Committee at the National Assembly.
“We must ensure that in the next five years, Mr. Macron and his majority no longer do bad things to the French”, says Éric Coquerel. The LFI deputy also returned to the interview with the President of the Republic in the program “L’Événement”, broadcast the day before. “When he talks about disorder, what worse disorder than to impose 49.3 on the National Assembly repeatedly and to impose a pension reform in a country that does not want it?”he laments.