According to the public prosecutor of Marseille, the settling of scores “linked to drug trafficking” caused nearly 50 deaths in 2023 in the Marseille metropolitan area.
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“We must not turn a blind eye, the results are overwhelming”concedes Rudy Manna, national spokesperson for the Alliance Police nationale union, while the settling of scores “linked to drug trafficking” caused 47 deaths in 2023 in “the Marseille conurbation” according to the public prosecutor of Marseille. “We must continue to fight together”, “open dialogue further upstream with National Education”he mentions, proposing in particular to bring into schools “doctors, police officers, magistrates, politicians and politicians”.
Minors “enrolled by networks”
The trade unionist judges “interesting”, to work more efficiently, to have liaison magistrates. The Marseille prosecutor announced during the annual report the taking up of posts of two liaison magistrates in Dubai and in the Caribbean in Saint Lucia. Rudy Manna describes these two places as places “where certain big network heads will take refuge when they have set up their little hands in Marseille or elsewhere in France to sell their products of death”.
Rudy Manna also points out the problem of minors, because “they are recruited by these networks” : “We have more and more unaccompanied minors, foreign minors who arrive from the Italian border in southern cities like Nice or Marseille and who are unfortunately enlisted by these traffickers”. For the police “It’s a real difficulty to fight against this scourge”comparing it to human trafficking. “This is a bit like what these minors endure with these individuals who do not hesitate to use them with sometimes abominable practices, with acts of torture and barbarism”.