“We must not give a single voice to Mrs. Le Pen”!

The French have taken the decision to send Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron to the second round of the presidential election. A match between the two adversaries which took place five years ago. The outgoing President of the Republic scored better than in 2017. If Emmanuel Macron obtained 28.4% of the vote, he faces a strong opponent. Competing for the third time, Marine Le Pen won 23.4% of the vote. A result more important than in 2017, where she obtained 23.3% of the vote. Arrived in third position, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is considered the strong man of this presidential election. He wants to do everything to counter Marine Le Pen in two weeks.

Eliminated at the gates of the second round, Jean-Luc Mélenchon did not succeed in his bet. However, the candidate of France Insoumise, who had only two points less than Marine Le Pen, weighs heavily in the rest of the elections. In his speech from his HQ, Jean-Luc Mélenchon launched to his audience. “We know who we will never vote for.” He then repeatedly repeated the following words: “Mrs. Le Pen must not be given a vote! Ms. Le Pen must not be given a single vote!”, he says. A sentence that speaks volumes about what the candidate of France Insoumise will do. A way to position yourself, without actually giving voting instructions. According to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “the 310,000 people who sponsored me will give their point of view”on April 24.

A good score

The leader of rebellious France is doing better than five years ago, when he obtained 19.58%. In fourth place, the candidate of the political party Reconquête did less well than his hopes with 7% of the vote. For Valérie Pécresse, it was the cold shower which, with 4.7% of the vote, achieved the worst score for the traditional right-wing party. As a reminder, in 2017, the candidate of his political family, François Fillon, had counted 20.01% of the voters.

See also: Marine Le Pen gets involved!

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