“We must not facilitate access to a diet that gives cancer”, says a Modem MP

The deputy is at the origin of a platform signed by about fifty deputies so that the food voucher targets healthy and non-carcinogenic products.

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We must not facilitate access to a diet that gives cancer, especially with nitrite salt in charcuterie or in ultra-processed products“, declared on franceinfo Richard Ramos, Modem MP for Loiret, who was behind a report made public on Sunday June 5 on nitrate additives in charcuterie products. About fifty Modem MPs signed a column in the Journal du Dimanche for that the food voucher targets healthy and non-carcinogenic products.

>> Cancer: what you need to know about nitrates and nitrites used as food additives

There is a real urgency” to target healthy products. “Obviously, we must respond immediately to the purchasing power of the French, but when it is for the most humble and poor people, we must do so by accompanying them so that they have access to healthy food.“The food check must”benefit the small French peasantry with products“identified.

In its report, the fact-finding mission, officially launched on March 3, 2020, wished to shed full light on the use of nitrate additives in charcuterie products, their risks for human health and the alternatives to these highly controversial products. . “When you buy ham or charcuterie with nitrite salt, you know that it causes between 4,000 and 5,000 deaths per year. We put sugar in the sausage to hold back the fleet and make the poor believe that we are selling them a cheap sausage, but we are selling them water instead of meat.”

“Today, almost all brands have two ranges. One that kills and one without nitrite”

Richard Ramos, Modem MP for Loiret

on franceinfo

As soon as the new National Assembly “will be able to come“, discussions will resume around controversial products.”Once the rich ate meat and the poor vegetables, today the rich eat vegetables and the poor eat meat with bad protein.

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