“We must not distribute the illegal immigrants, we must make them leave,” says Jordan Bardella



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The interim president of the National Rally wants to organize a referendum on the question of immigration.

“We must not distribute the illegal immigrants, we must make them leave”, declares Wednesday September 21 on franceinfo Jordan Bardella in reaction to the asylum and immigration bill planned by Emmanuel Macron at the beginning of next year. The acting president of the National Rally returned to a statement by the Head of State: “What worries me is the statement he made in his press conference last Friday in which he said he wanted to speed up the distribution of migrants in the French countryside.”

For the MEP, the President [qui parlait d’étrangers ayant obtenu un titre de séjour] “wants to punish rurality because distributing immigration in the countryside and in French villages is also to distribute the problems that result from it: insecurity, communitarianism…” The candidate for the presidency of the RN does not want “that French villages resemble the Seine-Saint-Denis or the Porte de la Chapelle”. He questions: “What do a Sudanese and an inhabitant of a village in Creuse have in common?” and propose “to organize a referendum on the question of immigration. At some point you have to ask the French people the question.”

Regarding the 2,000 asylum seekers sent each month since 2015 to sparsely populated French territories and for which no incident has been recorded, Jordan Bardella replies: “Yes, there are many incidents. There are unaccompanied foreign minors who are responsible in the cities for a large part of the explosion of delinquency and insecurity. When you see what happens at the Porte de La Chapelle where illegal immigrants roam, this will be the reality. Intensifying the flow of migrants in the countryside is to intensify insecurity and communitarianism”. “Every day in our country, in French towns and villages, there is a rise in insecurity which is directly linked to the explosion of immigration”, says the acting president of the RN.

The MEP recalled that he had no “no confidence in Emmanuel Macron’s ability to control flows” migratory.

“The more immigration laws there are with Emmanuel Macron, the more immigration there is. He is the president who broke absolutely all immigration records.”

Jordan Bardella, acting president of the RN

at franceinfo

450,000 people enter our country legally every year and 900,000 illegal immigrants, according to Patrick Stefanini [actuel conseiller départemental des Yvelines et ancien secrétaire général du ministère de l’Immigration entre 2008 et 2009] and we know that this government has the record at European level for the weakness in terms of expulsions.” Finally, Jordan Bardella said to himself “in favor of asylum being processed in embassies and countries of departure so that there are no more asylum applications processed in France because it is unmanageable.”

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