“We must mobilize all the voters who did not want this second round” in view of the legislative elections, believes Clémentine Autain

The member for Seine-Saint-Denis hopes that La France insoumise will have a majority in the next legislative elections.

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“We must mobilize all the voters who did not want this second round of the presidential election”declared Wednesday April 20 on franceinfo the deputy La France insoumise of Seine-Saint-Denis Clémentine Autain, welcoming “boldness” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who calls on the French to“Elect Prime Minister” during the “third round” at the time of the legislative. “What we want is that neither Emmanuel Macron nor Marine Le Pen apply their program“, she explains while specifying that she does not put them “absolutely not on an equal footing”.

Clementine Autain deplores “a broken down republican front” who happened “smashed on the wall of hatred against Emmanuel Macron”. “We must call for the conscience and the responsibility of each and everyone.

>> Follow the debate between two rounds of the presidential election between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron

The LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis will watch the debate between the two rounds “very difficult for us”. “Will Marine Le Pen continue to show a social face that is not hers? Is Emmanuel Macron really capable of standing up to her when he has been promising us for ten days a whole bunch of things he hasn’t been able to do at all for five years?”

“Two projects will oppose each other. They are not of the same nature but we are opposed to them”explains the MP.

“We fought Emmanuel Macron’s program for five years and we will fight the far right until our last breath.”

Clémentine Autain, LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis

at franceinfo

Clémentine Autain dreads the debate on Wednesday evening between the two candidates. “Emmanuel Macron places us in a situation of grave danger in the face of the threat of an extreme right that would take power,” concludes the LFI deputy for Seine-Saint Denis.

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