“We must make our European borders hermetic”, assures Manuel Valls



France 2

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Manuel Valls, former Prime Minister, was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Thursday February 3.

As part of the French presidency of the European Union, Emmanuel Macron made several proposals to reform the Schengen area “to better hold the borders of Europe“. The president thus proposes a governance council to steer Schengen politically.”We have to get back to politics (…), because basically, to manage, to overhaul all of our immigration policies, it is at European level that we have to do it, in particular to protect our external borders and to ensure that no one crosses except those who have the right“, advances Manuel Valls, former Prime Minister invited on the set of “4 Truths”, Thursday, February 3.

The European Commissioner for Home Affairs told the Figaro Thursday that 39 million people arrived in the Schengen area without having been checked. “We arrive today very often without control, it is not a question of 39 million people arriving by sea, by the Mediterraneancontinues Manuel Valls. What is needed is to protect, seal off our borders, especially the Mediterranean (…). If we want to stop illegal immigration, beyond the support that must be given to this continent of the future which is Africa, it is at the level of the borders of the European Union“According to the former head of government, the risk is to see the European project”pass away“and having to restore”national borders“.

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