The President of the Republic was traveling on the theme of health, Tuesday, in Vendôme in the Loir-et-Cher. Off the microphone and before leaving, Emmanuel Macron spoke of the social climate after the enactment of the pension reform as well as the pot concerts that accompany his travels.
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“We must look at the lives of our compatriots and not the decor”, confides, Tuesday April 25, to franceinfo, Emmanuel Macron after the concert of pans of Vendôme. The Head of State was traveling in this commune of Loir-et-Cher to discuss his health plan. Off the microphones, for half an hour with the journalists who covered this trip, Emmanuel Macron assured not to be impressed by the concerts of pans. “If I stop and look at the scenery with you, it’s not going to move the country forward”affirms the President of the Republic.
>>> Casserolades: who are the demonstrators who follow the President of the Republic and the members of the government by tapping on saucepans?
But Emmanuel Macron said he still respected all the anger, with one nuance.
“I have never considered that covering the other’s voice with one’s voice or the sound of utensils was a great sign of democratic life and respect.”
Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republicat franceinfo
The Head of State took the opportunity to condemn the latest demonstrations against members of the government, such as against the Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak arrested on Monday by two actresses on the Molière stage, or against the Minister of National Education Pap N’Diaye, back Monday evening from a trip to Lyon, who was stuck in his TGV at Paris Gare de Lyon, before being exfiltrated. “He was confronted with a situation which is not civic”annoys Emmanuel Macron, concluding in a rather scathing tone: “I don’t have the feeling that you have millions of our compatriots on the streets today”.
Emmanuel Macron targets oppositions and unions
On the pension reform, the President of the Republic pretended to wonder: “My responsibility was to do nothing?” Emmanuel Macron did not forget to scold the oppositions and the unions, like the CFDT whose ears had to whistle. “The debate was based on a denial of reality which was to say that there was no problem, no one said how we do it.”
The Head of State reiterated his small regret: “Yes, I should have done the work of conviction more”repeating what he said in Le Parisien-Today in France Monday, and recalling that he had announced the pension reform during the presidential campaign. He says he is now ready to pay the price for his unpopularity, before concluding: “But I have never presided by looking at the polls”.
Emmanuel Macron promises other trips on the themes of attractiveness and industrialization in particular. On Wednesday, Elisabeth Borne will present the 100-day roadmap, once again to try to turn the page on retreats.