The appeal trial for the Nice attack, which left 86 dead on July 14, 2016, opens on Monday.
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“We must keep in mind that we are starting from scratch and that it is once again a new test for the civil parties as was the first trial”declares on franceinfo master Philippe Soussi, lawyer of the French Association of Victims of Terrorism (AFVT), while on Monday April 22 the appeal trial of the attack of July 14, 2016 opens before the special assize court of Paris.
“It’s a new trial which is opening with new magistrates, new attorneys general”continues Philippe Soussi who knows it, the trial “remains essential for the civil parties”. According to the lawyer, the testimonies of the civil parties are “still important” because they “allows us to understand the atrocities that were committed”. “Many civil parties wished to be heard by the Assize Court at first instance, wish it again on appeal, others who do not wish it because the moment experienced was very difficult”he explains.
“Not the slightest doubt about their guilt”
Concerning the two men sentenced in first instance to 18 years of criminal imprisonment and who are retried from Monday for “criminal terrorist association”, Philippe Soussi is not “no illusion, as in first instance, about the defense system which will consist of denying everything”.
The lawyer assures him, “the elements which justified the conviction of the two accused who will appear from tomorrow are absolutely essential elements”. The lawyer therefore did not “not the slightest doubt concerning their guilt”. The elements are “determinants” and he “do not consider for a single moment a decision other than a decision of guilt”concludes the lawyer.
The appeal trial is expected to last two months. The July 14, 2016 attack in Nice left 86 dead and hundreds injured.