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Nathalie Arthaud, Workers’ Struggle candidate in the presidential election, is the guest of France 2’s “4 Vérités”, Thursday, March 31.
How to deal with inflation? “We have been confronted for so many years with wages and retirement pensions which have been stuck at too low levels that the situation has become unbearable. We must increase wages, and not crumbs, by 300, 400, 500 euros. You have to take on the profits”explains Nathalie Arthaud, Workers’ Struggle candidate in the presidential election, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Thursday, March 31.
Should prices be locked in? “These are all the prices that should be blocked. We should take control of all the markets, of society. Society should even be organized, directed, by those who do the work, who give life”specifies the candidate Lutte Ouvrière.
900 million euros were spent on consulting firms in 2021. “Those in power have nothing to do with what the employees, the workers, the population think”assures Nathalie Arthaud.