“We must help the Ukrainians who are fighting for their freedom”, says Yannick Jadot

“We must help the Ukrainians who are fighting for their freedom, independence and democracy”, approved Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate for the presidential election, Monday, February 28 on franceinfo, while the European Union will release 450 million euros to buy weapons for the Ukrainian armed forces. Convinced that it is necessary “continue to fight, permanently, for peace and the peaceful settlement of tensions”,

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“We are not going to let the Ukrainians fight without bulletproof vests, without responding to Russian tanks and missile fire,” did he declare. They “are on the front line of the fight against a dictatorship, that of Vladimir Putin”he added, considering that the Russian President “wants to undermine freedoms and democracy in its entire neighborhood”in these countries “who for years have been building their democracy, their independence from Russia and who are trying to become European”.

Without naming names, Yannick Jadot also denounced “guilty complacency” from some “politicians” vis-à-vis the Russian regime and called for “national unity” and “European”. “We must be firm vis-à-vis Vladimir Putin and for that we must be united at French and European level”, insisted the environmental candidate, a few hours before an information meeting, organized Monday afternoon, in Matignon, by Prime Minister Jean Castex to take stock of the situation in Ukraine. During this meeting, Yannick Jadot assured that he would demand from the government “an exercise in transparency” concerning the “type of defense weapons” sent to Ukraine. “The French have the right to know”he said, adding that he “would have been fashionable” whether it is Emmanuel Macron, “chief of the armed forces, in charge of nuclear deterrence and president of the European Union”which receives the presidential candidates and not the Prime Minister.

Yannick Jadot also pleaded in favor of extending the sanctions against Belarus, accused of complicity, and which is, according to him, “became a belligerent actor”. Because “we are not sending our soldiers”, “our support on the other dimensions must be total”, he assured, in particular on the sanctions regime. Lamenting the fact that “Europe does not have sufficient defense policy to intervene militarily”Yannick Jadot called for “a European defense policy”.

“We are facing an aggressor who puts our security, our peace and our democracy in danger”lamented Yannick Jadot calling “each and every one” to understand that “What is at stake in Ukraine is not just the Ukrainian question, it is the question of democracy and security in Europe”. “This is the first step for Vladimir Putin in an aggression on all of its borders.“, continued the environmentalist candidate, pointing to “the verbal aggression” of the Russian president on Poland, Finland, Moldova and Georgia. “With Vladimir Putin we know that from the verb to physical, military aggression, there is only one step”he warned.

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